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21 Day Mind + Mood Reset

Public·22 members

Log In Instructions and How to Use the Course App on Your Phone

Hi Everyone! A few folks shared that it was difficult to find the course and also had questions about using the app so I wanted to share more details in case anyone else is experiencing the same.

Laptop instructions: To take the course on your computer or laptop, you will need to visit the course page and use the login and password you used to sign up for the program.

Phone Instructions: Using the app is also an easy and convenient way to complete lessons and track progress from your phone. Scan the QR code seen on this page or click "Go to the App" on the course page.

  1. Download the app.

  2. Log in using the same login and password you used to register for the program.

  3. Select purely planted as the website you want to join.

  4. Scroll down to the bottom and click "Online Programs."

  5. Enter the Mind + Mood Reset Course. Alternatively, I can send you an invite to the app. Please comment below if you'd like me to send the invite. Hoping this works for everyone! Apologies for any inconvenience and interruption in your course experience. Onward! :) -Nichole

OK the app works much better than trying to do it on a website browser. Thanks!


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